Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun With Clandestino

Saturday night I got to experience my first dinner with Chef Efrain of Clandestino . This supper club took over a west loop loft and served Trout (below), squash soup, pork raviolis (above), among many other things. This was my third dinner where my plates and dishes make a showing with gourmet food.

The dinner guests were communally seated at tables of ten. I got to visit with two different tables that night. The attendees were of diverse occupational back grounds but shared a common interest in food. Some guests traveled just walking distance from their homes to attend the dinner, others flew in from the east coast. The pork ravioli's were plated on my brand spankin' new 8 by 8" dishes. This is a picture of the serving line up. All pictures of the plating's meant that I was IN THE WAY. At least all of the severs cut me a bit of a break when I said "please let me shoot this".

The night ended with lots of happy people looking for the next party. My dishes next scheduled appearance will be at the Faith's Farm dinner on October 18th with City Provisions .